Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Penta Volvo Marine Aq 125a

Seniors, Retirees, Boomers, aged, elderly?

" Seniors, retirees, seniors, and the elderly. What are the perceptions of people over 50 years? an interesting article on the site Senior , source TNS Sofres.
An excerpt:
"At what age each appellation is she?
  • Beyond the use of these names, what do they mean for the French? How old is each? The French , when asked the question, consider:
  • - a baby boomer is a person about 56 years;
  • - an elder is a person about 58 years;
  • - is a senior a person about 61 years;
  • - a veteran is a person about 68 years;
  • - an old person is about 72 years;
  • - that an elderly person is someone about 74 years;
  • - ... and that was about 76 years old. "


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